Save a life!

We supported the purchase of stop-the-bleed kits for 500 Oak Hills classrooms
The mission of the Foundation is to enhance the achievement, heritage and educational opportunities for Oak Hills students and staff by providing alumni and community resources to promote unity and pride, and build a legacy for a stronger community. We need you to be part of this fundraising effort. Every year we select a project which mirrors the priority projects of the district. Past projects have included the Green Township Scottie Yard playground at Oakdale
Elementary, partnering with the Oak Hills Band Association to renovate the Oak Hills High School auditorium and most recently, purchasing string and percussion musical instruments for all of the elementary schools.
Due to national tragic events there is an intense focus on school and student safety this year. School safety has taken a radical turn from the past when we were concerned with student evacuation from fires to today’s horror of facing active shooter situations. While schools continue to search for solutions we are confronted with the “what-if” scenarios. From Columbine to Sandy Hook, and now Parkland the possibility of these tragic situations are very real. The district has school resource officers in place and additionally, a sworn officer from either Delhi or Green Township patrols all of our schools every school day.
As we continue to learn from each horrific event one fact is consistent, more lives could be saved if people (particularly those inside the building in danger) could stop the bleeding of victims. Too many lives are lost as a result of blood loss or a condition known as bleeding out. Therefore this year the Foundation is campaigning to provide a special kit for every classroom to ‘stop the bleed.’
These kits can be placed in a consistent predesignated spot in all classrooms. They can be used by teachers and staff before the medical teams and authorities arrive. Each kit contains items critical in saving the lives of those injured or wounded such as tourniquets, quick clot gauze, gloves and trauma shears. Training will be provided to teachers and staff when the kits are deployed in classrooms.
This year the paddle call at our annual Recognition Dinner was enhancing our Oak Hills students learning experiences by lessening their fear of not surviving a tragic active shooter event. This is a timely need as the district focuses on maintaining a safe school environment and protecting the well-being of our Highlander students. We are all about continuing and improving existing safety programs and putting in place an additional option to protect our students. ‘Stop the bleed’ kits can save lives.
Click here for the Local 12 story about the training for OHLSD staff who will be using the kits during the 2018-19 school year.